Fare Guide
Estimated lowest fares found within 7 days
The cheapest airline(s) flying from San Juan to Santiago de los Caballeros is Frontier Airlines.
Currently we do not have data for this specific route. Please try to search directly from our search form
The cheapest day(s) of the week to fly from San Juan to Santiago de los Caballeros is Thursday.
Flight Schedules
Last Updated: Mon, 2 Dec, 2024
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The fastest flight time for direct flights from San Juan to Santiago de los Caballeros is 1 hour 12 minutes. Check latest flight schedules & prices on Wego.
The flight distance between San Juan and Santiago de los Caballeros is 495km. Check all available flights on Wego.
The earliest flight of the day departs at 11:30. The last flight of the day departs at 11:30. See the full list of flight times on Wego.
There are 2 airlines that offer direct flights from San Juan to Santiago de los Caballeros. Find out the list of airlines on Wego.
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